All the construction firm and the construction deportment are main taint a resister of selective contractors. The a bore firm and the deportments wants to do a good job in there construction work then they select name of boor 7 contractors from the register whom be consider suitable for the work. This ensure that reputable firms tender, on need for the engineer to advice the employer against accepting the low priced tender from a contractor whose technical competence doubtful. These sleeted tenders may be insert in the register by adverb tiding in papers or firm and any other technical firms every year all construction firms & departments the list of registered contractors must res cutinized leaving some names add some new names of the con tractors in the registered list.
1. The employer or the client know the capacity of the con tractor accepting lowest tender.
2. We save time in a diver tiding & publishing as in open tender.
3. All the contractors may be in the same status so they get more profit & the work is also in good quality.
1. This type of con tract the client some time well know the contractor this leads to give some kind of help by the client more core needed in selective con tractors.
2. Without res cru tniziny the register selecting names of can tractors lead the client to under go difficult in doing construction work.
3. The tendered rate may be hig when compared with the open tender but when consider the standard & good management it brings advantage to the client in the long run.
4. Some con tractors may coat too higher rates for the con strum action work because they didn’t want to do the set job but for the shake of getting next tender docents from the client.
Your English is very bad I could hardly understand a word!!